As an integral component of the International Entrepreneurship Week, the College of Arts at the University of Baghdad actively participated in the 2nd Scientific Conference on Mental Health and Occupational Safety. This conference, sponsored by Mr. Ahmad Al-Asadi, the Minister of Labour and Social Affairs, took place on Thursday, 16th November.

The 2nd Scientific Conference on Mental Health and Occupational Safety provided a vital platform for scholars and experts to engage in meaningful discourse. The active involvement of the College of Arts in this significant event signifies its commitment to addressing contemporary issues at the intersection of mental health and occupational safety. The distinguished presence of Dr. Ola Al-Jalaad, the Director of Postgraduate Studies, and Dr. Israa Akram Fadhel, the Head of Continuing Education, along with the attendance of numerous Iraqi and international university professors, underscored the significance of the event. The conference aimed to explore innovative solutions and strategies to mitigate challenges faced in various professional spheres. The participation of Iraqi and foreign university professors added a diverse perspective to the discussions. The exchange of scientific research and findings not only contributed to the collective understanding of mental health and occupational safety but also provided a foundation for collaborative initiatives to enhance workplace well-being.

In conclusion, the College of Arts’ active participation in the 2nd Scientific Conference on Mental Health and Occupational Safety reflects its dedication to contributing to the broader discourse on workplace well-being. The commitment of academic leaders, combined with the valuable insights from Iraqi and foreign university professors, underscores the importance of addressing mental health issues within the realm of occupational safety.

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