Our message is to move and direct the movement of history towards the original goal towards which existence moves, which is the movement of openness of all to all and the openness of the world of witness to the world of the unseen, just as the march of science and thought is the opening of the known to the unknown, and the march of exploration and essential development that leads us towards the ideal.

Our message is not disconnected, but rather structural, and it is the result of a principled communication between all positive and divine, natural and human sciences.

The human being in his scientific career proceeds according to a comprehensive, humane and scientific vision. The human vision aims to achieve the principles of civilization. It is a building for the human being, a psychological and intellectual building in order to prepare him for the heavy task entrusted to him, that task which the Holy Qur’an called “trust.”

The natural sciences are nothing but the means of this human being, who is prepared to carry the trust, to facilitate the achievement of the goal and to provide the means to facilitate the carrying of the trust, and the two goals that are drawn by the humanities and the natural sciences are two lofty and interconnected goals, one of which pertains to the human being and his psychological and moral structure, and seeks to raise human humanity to its maximum limits that Angels crowd, and the goal of natural sciences is not far from that, because it is concerned with developing the environment and the incubator that carries this person and provides him with a path to prosperity, happiness and a decent life, and all of this contributes to facilitating the task for the person.

The ultimate and final goal is to reach the ideal, through toil, work, perseverance and creativity. The movement towards the ideal is a movement of activity, aspiration, and anticipation of the future horizons. Without this movement, this anticipation and hard work, man cannot continue to exist. Even if he exists on the level of the body, he does not exist on the level of spirit and civilization. The mere existence of the reality of the ideal and the necessity of movement towards it is merely an assumption, as it subtracts work and toil in order to achieve the ideal. Fateful, historical, with the ideal (with God Almighty).

The university, in fact, is not a numerical collection of groups of disparate disciplines that are not related to each other, so the plural expression in the name “university” is not a numerical expression, although unfortunately this happens most of the time. It is rather a community that draws the university’s philosophy, deepens its moral concept, and defines its goals, in other words, it forms the university’s strategy that charts its future.

If these sciences remain dispersed within the university, with the absence of unifying principles for the different sciences, then each scientific field will have a partial goal that pertains to it regardless of other scientific goals, and there will be many goals that may clash with each other, and hinder each other in the absence of a comprehensive philosophy for the university and a clear cultural message. Therefore, we fall into a scientific positivism that the West itself overtook at the beginning of the seventies of the twentieth century, and our universities are still afflicted with it, because of its movement towards the natural sciences that we borrowed from the West. In addition to that, we did not know the philosophy of its discovery and its sources, because we were far from it due to well-known historical circumstances.

The fragmentary vision, then, make the university lose its message, and the mind of the leader gets confused and loses the ability to realize the lofty goal of the university, and if we lose the ability to realize the goal, we lose the ability to move, because the human movement, I mean the civilized movement that is led by man, assumes a lofty goal that moves towards it. This goal depends on the existence of a clear and comprehensive philosophy or vision through which a person is guided to that goal, and this vision cannot be defined without realizing the common principles of the sciences contained in the university. The philosophy of science may facilitate approaching this vision, and perhaps we need a comprehensive metaphysics, I mean the field of research in the foundations of sciences, natural and human, unifying them in terms of first principles and final goals, and identifying the factors of methodological and objective difference between them, as this helps in realizing the foundations and methods of science. Thus, contributing to its development, discovery and development.

The method of scientific discovery is the theoretical dimension of science that charts the path of revealing scientific facts, and therefore taking care of it helps to possess the cornerstone of revealing scientific facts. As well as helping him to understand the limits of science, its objectives and the common elements between it and other sciences, whether natural or human. So, there is no movement without a goal, and there is no goal without a work philosophy derived from a theoretical philosophy. Because the end, or in the language of philosophy, the final cause, is the driving cause, I mean the motive, it is the cause of attraction, and some scholars may call it love. And then this person ends, he settles down to lethargy, laziness, and lethargy, and if the person’s goal is endless, as is the case with the “highest ideal,” or in the expression of the scholars, movement as a way of love for that lofty goal, then it will be an endless movement, which imposes on the person long toil in the way Integral towards God, a path in which man integrates and reaches the highest levels of perfection, in order to meet the Absolute Truth (the ideal).

As for the lazy and neglected, there is no evidence for them from this meeting, and it seems that this is a historical law that does not lag behind. This proves to us the extent to which ideas and philosophies have the ability to build, just as they have the ability to demolish and destroy. It destroys the human being, and infects his thinking system with damage, and therefore the external environment, whether material structures are available in it or not, is the same. What is the meaning of the environment and the built environment without a person? In the absence of a person, the meaning of life is absent, and life without meaning means nothingness completely. And by the absence of a person here, I mean the absent person spiritually, psychologically and intellectually, and not the physical absence. A person may have a physical presence like other stones, trees, wolves and cats, and perhaps lesser than them and eviller.

As in the Almighty’s saying: “Those are like cattle, but rather they are more shade…”. Therefore, the Qur’an presented the condition for building a person in the form of a conditional law: “God does not change the condition of a people until they change what is in themselves.” That is, he stipulated prosperity and construction, a comfortable life and an abundance of good things, by building the human self. And this verse is not just a text for the lazy to read in order to seek forgiveness, or to seek healing through it, or to earn a livelihood, but rather it is a work law, and a historical year that does not lag behind, and the one who lags behind it will be punished by the laws of history by removing him from the stage of history. After all that we have presented, we come to the purpose of this practical philosophical introduction.We mean that our role in the Faculty of Arts does not deviate from the context of that comprehensive philosophical vision, that we will be a link that communicates with the principles of the philosophy of human building. The Faculty of Arts, with its human and literary sciences, is aware of its lofty goal, which is building the human being. I mean, it takes upon itself the responsibility to fulfill the condition in the historical law drawn by the Holy Qur’an and precisely defined in its text that says, “God does not change the condition of a people until they change what is in themselves.” Building a human being is a arduous task, and it is one of the most difficult and dangerous tasks that fall on the shoulders of the one responsible for change and responsibility in the College of Arts and Humanities. He chose this study, and every graduate from this college, and every employee and administrator who chose to work in the College of Arts, all of them are responsible in proportions that are commensurate with his grade, job, and awareness. “Stand up for them, they are responsible.”