On Tuesday 10 October, a group of graduates from the History Department of the College of Arts at Baghdad University reconnected with their academic roots. This reunion, facilitated by the shared nostalgia of their student days, provided an opportunity for reflection and connection. The gathering was graciously hosted by Prof. Dr. Ali Abdul Amir Sajet, the esteemed Dean of the College, who welcomed the returning graduates and facilitated moments of camaraderie.

The gathering of 1990s graduates from the History Department at the College of Arts marked a poignant moment as former students returned to the institution that had shaped their academic journey. The visit was more than a mere trip down memory lane; it was a testament to the enduring connection between alumni and their alma mater. Prof. Dr. Ali Abdul Amir Sajet, as the Dean of the College, played a pivotal role in extending a warm welcome, reinforcing the sense of community that transcends time. The importance of faculty-student relationships was highlighted during the reunion as graduates had the opportunity to reconnect with a number of the department’s professors. The commemorative photos taken with the professors served as a tangible reminder of the mentorship and guidance provided by these academic figures. The interaction with faculty members also showcased the lasting impact educators can have on their students, fostering a sense of appreciation and gratitude.

Ultimately, the reunion of 1990s graduates from the History Department at the University of Baghdad’s College of Arts signifies more than a nostalgic trip to the past. Prof. Dr. Ali Abdul Amir Sajet’s welcoming gesture and the interaction with department professors underscore the sense of community that transcends time and reinforces the College’s commitment to nurturing lifelong connections with its graduates.

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